The inaugural Gulfood Green will bring together the global community to forge a path to food security and sustainable, nutritious food development. A global exhibition and summit dedicated to promoting healthier and sustainable food systems - presenting fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, plant-based/alternative proteins, functional foods/health and wellness, organic produce, and groundbreaking sustainable and commercially scalable technologies protecting food, preventing loss and waste, and positively impacting people and the planet.
At the same time A global exhibition and summit will take place presenting the most impactful solutions and opportunities for our food system. Bringing together leading agriculture and food corporations, Agritech innovators, product suppliers and policy makers from the region and across the globe. Showcasing groundbreaking innovations that are improving food production, nutrition and health whilst protecting the environment and society. Exhibitors will present products & solutions for: Agriculture, Livestock Health & Nutrition, Aquaculture, Agri-Tech, Vertical Farming & Horticulture.