LLC « Kyrgyzcentreproduct» is engaged in export of agricultural products grown in Kyrgyzstan under «Kyrgyzproduct» trademark. During this time, “KYRGYZPRODUCT” trademark showed itself as a reliable supplier, which is to provide customers with high-quality products, at prices from the manufacturer and building long-term partnerships. The company exports agricultural products to more than 10 countries in the world.
In 2017, with the support of the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Logistics Center began to operate, with the presence of modern Dutch equipment, providing long-term storage of vegetables, their sorting, washing, calibration and packaging, meeting all standards and international standards.
We offer only certified products at competitive prices, constantly working to improve the quality of the range. The fertile lands of Kyrgyzstan, when applying traditional methods of cultivation, as well as the well-adjusted work of all departments of the company, allow supplying environmentally friendly products without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.