The kyrgyz apricot is a natural product, growing in fertile land, rich in vitamins and minerals, already for many decades.
Dozens of cheese factories operate in the Kyrgyz Republic today, which produce cheeses known all over the world - Swiss, Italian, Dutch and French, etc. They are made according to all standards and traditions of European cheesemakers.
Kyrgyz beans are a natural product grown in ecologically clean fields, one of the best in the world in terms of their characteristics.
The homeland of plum in Kyrgyzstan is usually called the Aksy and Alabukinsky districts of the Jalalabad region. Up to 30 thousand tons of crops are harvested here annually. In Kyrgystan «Kyrgyz excellent» sort of plums are cultivated.
Walnuts in the Kyrgyz Republic are harvested in the largest natural walnut forest on the planet, Arslanbob, a legend whose truth is harder to crack than the nuts themselves.
Do you know that Kyrgyz honey is one of the best honey in the world?
At one time, as part of the USSR, Kyrgyzstan ranked third by volume after Russia and Ukraine. There were almost 500 thousand bee families in the republic. The volume of production reached 12 thousand tons.
But now, in honey industry, Kyrgyzstan is famous for quality. Kyrgyz honey has won several international prizes & awards.
The Kyrgyz export company Vega Plus has made the leap into the European market. In February 2017 the company exhibited at the BIOFACH Exhibition in Nuremberg and introduced its sustainable farming products to the international specialists at the event. The Import Promotion Desk (IPD) prepared Vega Plus intensely for the exhibition and also supported the company through the “last mile” with match-making. The success of the exhibition was quickly followed by the first business deal with Swiss importer Tinibaev Waldgeschenke KlG.